From its inception, the Algonquin Arts Council has seen its objectives as follows:
- To coordinate and foster cultural activities in the twelve northern townships of Hastings County and surrounding area.
- To stimulate community involvement for all ages including senior citizens, youth, young children and especially the handicapped.
- To provide workshops and seminars, where local and regional groups could work with professionals.
- To promote theatrical, musical and dance productions, visual arts and craft exhibits for local and regional presentation to the public.
Objectives of the Algonquin Arts Council
1. Assist local cultural groups in strengthening their programs.
2. Act as an information centre and management consultants concerning all aspects of arts administration, grants, and community resources.
3. Assist talented artists in the area.
4. Assist teachers and school officials in improving the quality and availability of arts education in elementary and secondary schools.
5. Encourage the development of local networks or structures to provide community programs in the arts.
6. Use the arts as tools to enhance ethnic, historic, and social traditions relevant to the local community.
7. Plan, develop, and/or administer physical facilities for local cultural policies and programs.
8. Work closely with local government concerning cultural policies and programs.
9. Act as the united public voice of the arts on cultural matters affecting the community.
10. Assist the business community and local government in making the arts part of an economic development strategy for the community.
Goals of the Algonquin Arts Council (Mission Statement)
1. To encourage the realization of the full artistic potential of the community by developing, stimulating, and improving the knowledge, understanding, and practice of the arts.
2. To protect and promote the mutual interests of the membership.
3. To enrich the cultural life of the community and increase the accessibility of the arts.
4. To advise and co-operate with all authorities, government departments, and other bodies on matters of the arts.
5. To affiliate with other organizations concerned with the arts.
6. To accept donations, gifts, legacies, and bequests to further the development of the arts in North Hastings and surrounding areas.